Imaging System Lab. is looking for impassioned grads. and research interns.

[PhD and Master Candidates]

We are looking for self-motivated PhD and Master students who are interested in signal and image processing, computer vision, and imaging system. Full scholarship and research funds will be supported for excellent candidates.

[Global Internship Program]

We are looking for self-motivated global interns who are interested in signal and image processing, computer vision, and imaging system. Accommodation and research funds will be supported. The online internship program is also opened in the corona era.

Candidates send the CV to Prof. Kwon by email (osk1 at


특허청장상, 전국 지능형 창작로봇 경연대회, Aug. 2023

대상, 창원대학교 캡스톤디자인 경진대회, June 2023

Best Paper Award on the Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Conference, Nov. 2022

Best Paper Award on MITA International Conference, May 2021


국립창원대(위성영상분석ICT센터장 권오설 교수), 과학기술정보통신부 ‘대학ICT연구센터’ 선정

8년간 37억5000만원 확보!


CWNU-Princeton University, Global Research Collaboration, Nov. 2023